Over the past few decades, we have discovered the importance of intra-uterine life and, more recently, that the foetus "hears through the skin" thanks to the vibrations that the voice causes in the water.
“ At the beginning of our lives we are vibratory beings on the lookout for everything that beckons, touch, being our most archaic sense, the sound carrying meaning is registered through the skin… This intelligent skin reveals itself very early on as an active and subtle organ of communication allowing discrimination. ” Catherine Dolto Tolitch
Our experience as body-centered psychotherapists shows us numerous examples where the transfer is expressed through symptoms which refer to the memory of the body. It is not uncommon during our sessions that the body of the subject in contact with the therapist, through speech or touch, reveals a sign linked to the transfer: forceps marks on the temples, or redness due to the strangulation of the umbilical cord when people do not know the circumstances of their birth; mark of a slap received in childhood, of which the person no longer had any memory; emergence of pain and swelling at the site of a fracture... These signs of the body are accompanied by feelings and emotions that the subject cannot always relate to a conscious memory, but which attest of a lived reality.
Extract from an article written by Catherine Choury, Michel Claverie, Tony Fournier, Catherine Jenny, Eliane Jung-Fliegans, Dany Parisi-Claverie, Vincent Riedinger, Jean-Max Tassel, Claude Vaux members of the Association Européenne des Thérapies Psychocorporporelles et Relationelles
